The Experts Speak
by Sarah SivrightBeginning in February, with the first child’s kindergarten orientation session, we notice the excitement and anxiety surrounding kindergarten start to build. Both these feelings need to be addressed by the only folks who can tell it like it is. So every spring, we invite last year’s graduates to return and tell us all about kindergarten. We have chairs set up in front for our panel of experts, and we’re all ears. Each child tells us something they liked and didn’t like about kindergarten, how they made friends, how they get to school, how lunch works, do they have a nice teacher, what’s play time like—all the important information. All Seasons Preschool children get to ask questions of the panelists at the end. Here’s some of what we learned…What they liked:I like doing crafts in art class.We get to run around in the gym and play fun games like “Fishes and Whales.”When you finish your work you get to play games.I like the library because you get to take books home.I like playing “Popsicle” (many nods—a demonstration followed the panel)I like going out to recess. We don’t have a sandbox but we do have a slide that goes really fast.My teacher is nice (all nod).We don’t have grandmas and grandpas, but we do have carnivals.I like doing specials—art, Spanish, music, gym.We have (third or fourth grade) buddies who read books or do work with us.What they didn’t like:I don’t like when we have to sit on the floor for a long time.I don’t like putting our heads down on the tables if we’re not listening.Some boys tease me. I run away or tell a teacher.I’m always the last one to finish something.Some kids always want to be first in line.
Friends:At the beginning you have to make friends, but now I have lots and lots of friends.I didn’t know anybody but now I have friends.Reading and math:I didn’t know how to read before, but I’m learning more.I knew a little bit, but now I’m really good at reading.We do lots of math—we’re adding.Discipline:When you do kindergarten stuff, you can’t be bad.[What’s “being bad” in kindergarten?]Punching or slapping or teasing.You get four or five warnings, then you sit in the “Break Chair.”Sometimes you have to go to the Principal’s office. Final Thoughts:The first day I was nervous and shy.I was excited!You have choice time when your work is done. If you don’t get choice time, you get a longer recess.You have to do a lot of learning and listening. Such thoughtful and helpful students—thank you for coming to tell us about kindergarten!